Saturday, November 1, 2008

James Sanders

Missing Sanders Campaign Filings Trigger Review
Times Ledger, August 18, 2005

The campaign committee for City Council candidate David Hooks filed complaints this week with the New York City Campaign Finance Board and the Queens district attorney's office after City Councilman James Sanders Jr. (D-Laurelton) missed Friday's deadline to file campaign finance disclosure documents. Sanders has not filed the mandatory periodic campaign finance reports with the Board of Elections since being elected in 2001. According to the Campaign Finance Board Web site, Sanders is the only sitting council member not to have submitted his campaign's receipts and expenditures. The Board of Elections met with Sanders' re-election committee - known as Sanders '05 - earlier this year to discuss the missed filings and determine how the committee could comply. The Hooks campaign, however, has focused steady criticism on the questions surrounding Sanders' failure to file the campaign disclosure reports. Hooks' spokesman, John Lance, said the issue was a matter of fairness.

City Councilman Under Fire
Newsday, June 3, 2005

City Councilman James Sanders of Laurelton has failed to file legally mandated reports on his campaign fund-raising and spending for the past three years, the Board of Elections said yesterday. Sanders' failure was first raised publicly yesterday by David Hooks, his opponent in the Democratic primary in the fall. Hooks, a career planner who ran against Sanders in 2001, released copies of letters from the Board of Elections to Sanders during the past three years. Each of the seven form letters advised Sanders that he had missed the deadlines for filing the latest report. However, each letter failed to note his lack of response to earlier letters.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

James Sanders "This Bum needs the Boot!" This is so typical of Councilman James Sanders to want to stay and make himself feel right at home in the 31st! Since Sanders has been in office, my District has gone downhill. It has become over-developed, Schools are overcrowded, our infrastructure is a mess, We get scraps in regards to funding due to his absentee record ( 63% of the time he’s never there to vote on anything ), He's not chairing any committees, He's milking us ( the taxpayer) on his travel expenses and now he’s running almost everyone in his office, for the Council seat , his wife ( a former Chief of staff ) , his newly appointed Chief of staff and his community liaison ( who by the way ran and lost the Assembly seat) It makes you wonder, “ What work is actually getting done in his office!". We have had enough of this leech and his Cronies and we want to kick all of them out!!